Discover the Difference at Our Clinic: Unlocking Your Child's Full Potential

At our clinic, we go above and beyond traditional approaches to address the unique struggles children face with behavioral, learning, socialization, and developmental challenges.

We Focus On:


Clinical reasons

Our focus lies in understanding the underlying clinical reasons behind these difficulties. We want to get to the root cause of WHY!

Empowering Families

We know that empowering families is a long-term plan. We are here for it all! We offer compassionate assistance to families already facing challenges, uncovering clinical solutions that target the root causes through our comprehensive "whole child and brain-based" approach.

We also empower families by providing proactive strategies to support developing children right from birth.

Providing strategies

We will give you right-now strategies to start helping and supporting your child differently while also providing long-term strategic planning to get your child well.

Compassionate Assistance

We firmly believe that every child is more than their challenges. Instead of labeling them as "bad" or "lazy," we view their behaviors and struggles as valuable insights into their distinctive brain functioning. Our mission is to empower families by equipping them with long-term clinical understanding, sustainable solutions, and immediate strategies to enhance their child's learning, connection, and engagement.

How do we achieve remarkable results? Let us walk you through our approach:

Step One: Comprehensive Review of Health History Paperwork & Consultation

Our groundbreaking and comprehensive "whole brain" exam process encompasses a range of assessments that help us identify underlying challenges and develop a thorough understanding of your child's brain functioning:

Our team of highly trained and experienced doctors conducts an in-depth review of your child's developmental history, meticulously examining various crucial categories such as: 

  • Early life stressors 
  • movement
  • language
  • connections
  • play
  • sleep
  • nourishment
  • and learning
  • Inflammatory clues
  • Signs of nervous system imbalance or sympathetic dominance

Step 2: A Comprehensive Clinical & Brain-based Examination

The clinical assessment includes posture analysis, movement assessment, primitive reflex examination, and neurological analysis. By utilizing advanced technologies, we obtain objective measures of the child's nervous system function.

The brain-based assessment includes a deeper look into the tools an individual utilizes for processing: primitive reflexes, vestibular system, gross body movements, fine motor movements, auditory/verbal skills, a functional eye exam plus Right Eye objective testing, and cognitive abilities. 

Through our comprehensive examination, we address the 2 BIG fundamental questions that guide our approach:

1. Are there indicators of stress on the brain and nervous system? Are there signs of chronic or acute stress or inefficient communication within your child's brain and body?

2. What primary tools is your child using to process their world, and what does that tell us about their developmental trajectory? Can we identify gaps or challenges that may hinder their engagement, connection, and efficient learning?

Step 3: A Follow-up Consultation to provide you with answers and a Personalized Comprehensive Plan to help unlock your child’s potential

Drawing on the findings from the review and assessment, we will present a comprehensive plan that addresses the identified areas of concern. This comprehensive plan incorporates specific clinical tools aligned with the exam results and insights gained from the investigative case history with our doctors. 

Our clinical tools include: 

  • Specific neuro-structural gentle adjusting techniques
  • Nutrition and diet protocols
  • Bloodspot food intolerance testing
  • Brain-Blossom brain-building exercises
  • Primitive reflex integration exercises
  • Neuro-Defective Retraining™
  • Dynamic vision exercises with eye tracker "gaming" software
  • Mind-Builder games and exercises
  • Brain-Blossom Brain Building in-office stations
  • Remedy testing (Bioenergetic resonance testing)
  • Homeopathy remedy recommendations

in addition

In addition to the comprehensive clinical plan, we provide immediate Brain-based strategies for families to implement, taking into account your child’s developmental and neurological needs rather than solely relying on their chronological age. 

These Right-Now Strategies allow you to make a positive impact on your child’s development and well-being right from the start.

our recommendation for you

Unlock your child’s full potential with our clinic’s unique approach. Together, we can navigate the challenges, empower your family, and pave the way for a brighter future. 

Once we have answered the BIG questions and determined the best clinical supports to help you or your child, our Brain Blossom Program is a strong recommendation.

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